
Showing posts from March, 2017

Mr Hawk

It was a bit of a surprise to see this guy swoop down on this dove at our "quail block" the other day.  He sat there looking around long enough for us to get a few pictures then flew off to eat in private.  Thank goodness he took the dove with him instead of feasting right there.  They have to eat too; and all that but it is disturbing to come out and see a pile of feathers.  I can speak from past experience they do not leave anything behind besides feathers.. no skin or bones or waste...  Pretty isn't it...

Always loved the Blue Jay

Spring is upon us with summer biting at it's heals - goodness we went from 60's to 90's in nothing flat... in between juicing all this wonderful citrus fruit we are so fortunate to have; I have been having fun at glass fusing class.  Decided I wanted a few birds other than doves and pigeons in our yard so made a few out of glass.  Allergies have really gone on the attack this year too so although no rain in forecast with the rest of the country fighting blizzards, we are having 90+ days.  Pollen and smog are all over so hoping we will get a little sprinkle before too long just to clear the air if nothing else... the joys of living in the desert!