Town of Mystic, CT

A few more pics from Mystic.  It is such a pretty little town with flowers everywhere and even the local restaurant (there are many) on the rivers edge had it's own personal herb garden!  Imagine how good the food must have been. Atlas we can only eat one meal at a time and pizza won out this time! Lovely even for an overcast drizzly day.  Glad to have the drizzle though because it lowers the temps!  It has been a very hot summer at times.  Have to say though as hot as it has been, it is still green everywhere and lovely scenery. Even wildflowers still in bloom out here.
This bridge was built in 1822!  Can you imagine with tools they had then?  Think it is wonderful they have managed to keep it up and maintained instead of destroying and redoing.... this is big in my mind guess because I hail from the west where that is how they do things.. ha!
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