John F Kennedy Library, Boston, MA
It has become the "thing" for our recent Presidents (FDR to now) to build a Library in their name after their term in office has ended... since we are in Boston area thought we would visit the JFK Library. This president is one we could relate to since we both remember where we were furing the election; the cuban missle crisis and of course his death. This library is built on the campus of the college overlooking the bay so the setting is lovely and apparently Jackie said she wanted it there since he loved the water so much. The library is set up in such a way as to work your way thru his election leading up to Presidency and then of course ending with the terribly sad ending of it... Very tastefully done and interesting. As his brother Bobby was the Attorney General at the time of his presidency there is a spot of his office as well with his desk and a few momentos as well. very sad in a way but so well done. Thought we would be in and out of there in a short amount of time and ended up spending several hours there. There are his quotes everywhere and bits of Jackie and her clothes and what she tried to do as First Lady but the focus is really on his Presidency and not the family. We were fortunate in checking the web before we went to check for times etc and found that they had a "free" day on Friday so that was the day we chose to go and it was a picture perfect day. Guess it's worth checking these things out in advance.