Patriot Memorial

This is a memorial to the patriots who showed up that fateful day in April 1775 and keep up that fight for the 8 grueling years that followed... It was a long war however, you must remember they did not "go off" to war as we know it now.  However, the instagators; totally committed; rebels; ie., George Washington, Samuel Adams, John Hancock - men we pay tribute to day - were outlaws and could NOT go home during this time.. they had to stay away or risk having their families harmed and be hung in the process!  Can you imagine what that must have been like?  Look how committed Ben Franklin and John Adams were to the cause they seldom saw their families and the wome were left to  not only "tend the farm" but to raise the children and sit and wait, and wait and wait for years to see their husbands.  No newspaper, no tv, no telephone, no radio, just sneaked in messages... These people really paid a price for our liberty .. it's a little mind boggling when you start breaking down all they had to go through for us...
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