Val-Kill, Hyde Park, NY - Eleanor's Place
Years ago I read the biography on Eleanor Roosevelt. Dry reading that took what seemed forever to get through but oh my, what a woman! I was so excited to finally get to visit Val-Kill. This was "their" home built after the furniture business Eleanor had backed with 2 friends went under during the depression. Her family enjoyed this area for years swimming and picnicing and when FDR passed away she chose to give up the big house and make Val-Kill her home. By the way, all the children gave it up as well as they were all living elsewhere. Therefore the big house went into the National parks system. Val-Kill is also part of the National Parks system and not because Eleanor was a First lady. She was so much more and worked tiredlessly for her husband during the war and beyond as diplomat and author. I loved this visit but then this woman was one who would be hard to match. Remarkable in so many ways. Must say although they were a family of "means" they did live quite modestly. A very comfortable home although what most would think of a bit small. No built in swimming pool; their pool was this pond on the property!