Captial Building, Bismarck, ND

Finally made it to the Capital of North Dakota!  This is quite a building and they have a very nice observation deck on 18th floor!  It is certainly the tallest building around.  Their legislators are only part time and gone for the season so with money rolling in from the oil fields they are in process of updating things!  Now that North Dakota is 2nd largest oil producer in USA there has been a conference in town to work things out.. it's a mess from what we 'hear".. no housing, flipping hamburgers at McDonalds for $18.00 an hour.  Lots of money to be made; no housing or very little and top dollar for everything.. The oil people are moving ahead with dilling wells before buiding any infrastructure and buringin off natural gas like it's a free unwanted commodity!  shameful really but guess it's ok - isn't that why we subsidize the oil companies? ha!  Haven't really been there so alot is just talk but we will be heading in that direction soon so may take a little drive for a look see....


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