What's with the hair Cyndy?

For those of you who are wondering why my hair looks like heck but are too polite to comment - I want to let everyone know that hopefully very soon I will be back to may old self again with a neat, clean, SHORT, hairdo. This past year I have been growing out my hair so that granddaughter Rebekah and I can donate our hair to cancer patients. It is something we can do together and something that is a way of giving.

I have to say that PATIENCE is the key here. For anyone who has long hair or deals with hairdos etc knows long hair can be a challenge and this has been a BIG one for me! I do try to keep it back most of the time but I have never been one who loves playing with hair so this has been very tough on me.

The requirement is to have a ponytail at least 10" long and I am nearly there. We are hoping to be at that mark by the time we see each other again this spring.


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