Camp Hosts on the Job

Here it is Father's Day weekend and finally a few campers! ha! We have had a very slow week figure it is due to bad weather. Very cold with snow on the pass at 3000'! Hey, what is with that? but then when you consider what the rest of the country is facing and earthquakes in Japan and China, I'll take the little bit of snow we had and wind for that matter! This weekend has been worth it all. Very, very pretty with sun shining in all it's glory and the water on the lake sparkling like a zillion diamonds and the smiles and laughs on the people's faces make it all worthwhile. We had a glorious Saturday and expect today to be just as nice. This really is a very pretty place and I LOVE my yard as Earl is tired of hearing me say... ha! The strange and wonderful wildflowers, birds of different sorts and heard the wild turkeys are starting to come into camp now too. We have not seen them yet but one camper did and told us about it so we are hoping to see them soon.

I can't seem to grow any plants except tomatos at this point. Planted spinach (the squirrels loved it), radishes (they destroyed), green onions are still struggling and cucumbers demolished! Oh well, I'll keep trying - oh yes, garlic is thriving... guess that may be it for now.. Know if the deer find my tomato plants it will be history for them too but we'll have to wait and see.


Brits On Tour said…
you look good girl, Jane x

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