Hearst Castle, San Simeon, California

Although we have visited Hearst Castle in the past, we chose to visit it once again with brother John in tow. He had never been there before and it is fun! The weather was not looking so good and this is one place you want a nice day.. the castle sits on top of a hill and you want to be able to see the ocean from up there! Very nice to say the least. The tour really begins at the entrance Visitor Center where there is a short film about Wm. R. Hearst and how the castle came to be ... very interesting history there.. Then a tour bus gives you a lift up the hill and being a wet springtime all the hills were bright green dotted with new wildflowers.. I love that sort of thing you know. We took the general overall tour which covers both pools (inside and out), a few of the guest rooms and a few of the main rooms in the house. Can't help but pass through some of the gardens and lovely landscaping around the place. This home was given to the State of California State Parks to operate with sections still available to the family. Also perks for some of the workers to come and spend time in the pool during the summer season. Other occasions can be booked such as weddings etc through the parks dept. Very pretty setting and fun tour guide with lots of little tidbits to share about Wm. Hearst, such as him being a habitual spender and always in trouble financially although he made more than enough money. He just couldn't help spending as fast as he made it...


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