Evening Grosbeaks - Wish Poosh

This year we have had the pleasure of having about 3 dozen

or more of the evening grosbeaks eating at our feeders here at Wish Poosh! This has been a real kick! These birds are so much fun to watch and there are so many of them! Goodness, we fill this feeder about 5to 6 times a day and we have another feeder too besides the grease feeder and sock that the finches munch on... These guys are getting used to us so they fly right in front of our faces when we are sitting outside watching their antics! We watched them from a distance last year here at wish poosh but this year we have them at our feeders and it's a lot of fun. Of course I am not sure what we are going to do about keeping them in bird seed. We arrived with a new supply of seed from Costco and they ran through that immediately and we have been to Costco last week for another supply but after only 1 week they have about gone through that too and each supply is 40lbs.! What do they do with it all?? don't ask, it's all over the plants on the ground ... fun, fun, fun!


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