Early is back in hospital!!

We have finally found the culprit of all of Early's discomfort and misery!!! Took him to the doctor 1st thing yesterday and with her keen sense of knowledge sent us to hospital for ct scans where they found blood clots on his lung! This being very serious they admitted him to hospital and immediately started treatment to disolve these little buggars! Unfortunately we did not know the signs to watch for... Fortunately we now know a little about blood clots and what to look for AND Earl is on meds to fix this problem... so we have a lot to be very thankful for.. it's another one of lifes lessons we had to learn the hard way but we were fortunate to be able to catch this before it got any worse... Now, they will keep him a few days on some heavy blood thinner and then give him something when he comes home... They expect we will be able to continue with our plans for our trip to Hawaii and to head south so that is the good news. Talked to Earl this morning and he had a good night and is feeling better already.. Thank you Lord!!! I'm off to get a good look for myself.. more later..


Brits On Tour said…
We are both thinking of you with love xxxx

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