Gettysburg, PA

Found our trip to Gettysburg to be as great as the 1st time... So many monuments to all the troops who spent July 1, 2 & 3 fighting here back in 1863!  What a tremendous battle this was with over 50,000 men killed and the number of wounded not to mention all those that made it out ok! The scene is lovely now though with rolling green hills and a few homes scattered in between.  Although they are really building up around the area this park has been preserved and that is a true blessing!  This was the big turning point in the war.  A worthwhile trip for anyone who would venture over to spend the day!  Of course we chose a day when there were numbers of school children which is great to see young people being able to actually visit these historic places adding meaning to their studies; not just something to read about... Yes, even I ventured to the top of the Pennsylvania monument along with dozens of high schoolers to get a view from the top! fun - although have to say sad in some respects.  Looked at the names on the plaques too - over 35,000 on this one alone!

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