Lexington, MA

One of the great things about our particular lifestyle is the opportunity to visit historical sights around our great country.  Since Massachusetts plays a huge role in our nations history it is without a doubt a very historical place with so many places to visit.  One of those is the National park in Lexington/Concord.  Our nation really began it's "fight" there on 19 Apr. 1775.  Unbeknown to us there were 4000 men that day who answered the "alarm".  We all have heard about Paul Revere and his famous ride to alert the "patriots" that the British were coming.  There is a lot more to that story and the National Park system has the best darn film to explain that day - would be wonderful if every child in school was afforded this type of info.. we loved it! Anyway, we had many ancestors answer that call and had to wonder exactly how many were there and learned there were about 1700 Loyalists army and 4000 patriots.  Now take this into consideration... no telephones, no tv, no radio, no walkie talkies, no texting.. this was done by "word of mouth" one to another.  One person walked 6 days from New Haven, CT to Concord...... look at a map - would you do it?  That is the big question of the day.. what would you be willing to lay down your life for??
These people were so convicted and passionate and yes, this dissention with the Government had been building for years ... very, very interesting. 
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