Monticello, Thomas Jefferson's home

Needless to say perhaps this is a lovely home.  Enjoyed the visit very much and felt well worth the day!  Of course it helps to have a picture perfect day too. ha!  Loved the new visitor center; gift shop, cafe and museum but most of all the tour of the home and the beautiful grounds.  It took Tom 40 years to get this house to his liking and left him terribly in debt upon his death on the 50th year anniversary of the Declaration of Independence.  Quite a man.  I can't help but wonder though with as beautiful as this home is what it must have been like to live in it back then... let's see; no electricity, no plumbing and those huge dresses women had to wear; let's not forget the wigs and privy's they had to use.  When ever I feel bad I just conjur up those sorts of thoughts and realize every day we should just be grateful we didn't have to live back then. ha!  As romantic as it seems now not sure the practical part of really living was all that glamorous.
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