Happy New Year!!! Here's to 2012!!!

There is nothing quite like the last day of another year.  They seem to just fly by and when it's done we are always glad and yet although there have been so many terrible disasters in 2011; we have so much to be thankful for.  2011 has been fairly good to us as we have traveled over the eastern end of the good ol' US of A.  Our children and grandchildren are all ok (although we have one in NYC as I write this) who we can't help but worry a little bit about - ha!!! 

No major breakdowns or illnessess or natural disasters to have hit us personally so we feel very fortunate and can only hope 2012 is a better year!  We have plans to head west in the spring and will traveling right through the heart of tornado alley and after having dodged a few last spring know how chancy it can be.

Anyway, here's to all - we wish only the very best for you!!

Isn't this guy cute.  He is perfect symbol for this park.
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