We are Back!!

Although we enjoy going off on vacation, we always are glad to be home too.  Made it back to Ft Lauderdale without issue so that was very good.  Arrived about 7am and left ship about 8am.  After dropping Alex & Katy off at airport did our replenishing of groceries at Costco (nearly flipped at total cost) and grocery store - finally made it home early afternoon.  All fine at home.  Lots of laundry etc... didn't feel great with chills last night and woke in the night with a bit of chills and a drippy nose..  - no crud though.. all ok as far as my stomach but just a bit achy and hard to stay warm - doesn't help we are having a cold spell - highs today in 50's after being down in the caribbean with perfectly wonderful weather.  Never had so much activity in the pools.  No real complaints but we still like our 1st ship the best; liked the layout of decks and pools and activities geared more for our age group.  This ship is geared towards a younger type people and we missed our "promonade deck" where you can walk all the way around the ship without going inside.  Not possible on this one but never thought too much about it before so guess we just had to learn the hard way. ha!  Wait staff at dinner remembered our names and sang to us a few nights which was fun.  They have all been so different.  I would not recommend booking a room in the bow area of the ship... we did and although we were on 9th deck it was still noisy and the water was heard at night.  Not a big deal but haven't had that before so noticed it quite a bit this time.  A few days to recoop and then on to the Everglades Nat'l' Park.. I'm excited. Now just have to get well!!!
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