Captial Building, Columbus, Ohio

A visit to this Capitol building proved to be very nice.  Only allowed an hour (underground parking $2.00 each hour) however we did go over our limit.. too much to take in here.  They do offer tours on the hour or a recording you can carry around to have things explained.  We chose the self-guided tour and found this building to be beautiful and complex and fun.  It is quite large and spread out on 3 floors with an atrium in the center they were setting up for some program.  The inside is all carved marble from all over tastefully done.  Completed in 1861 it has been renovated of course and restored and it is one of my favorites - I love the grand staircases and the idea there are hidden rooms and stairs all over the place - a good workout visiting this place!  It is said Wm. McKinley who was Gov of OH before becoming President used to stand outside and wave across to the street to his wife each day.  They have him standing out there now and it's a funny note but what the heck.  This Capital is right in the heart of the city with huge buildings surrounding it so grounds are not extensive but still very nice!  They have remodled their basement also known as crypt to include Ohio History museum, store, cafe and a beautiful map of the state of Ohio by county all in various marble.  Very nice!


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