Vancouver BC

What a view of lovely Vancouver from Stanley Park.  Took a ride across the border for the day and oh my, how this city has grown since we were last there in mid-90's!  Hardly looked the same.  Did go all around Stanley park which is just beautiful and the sun did come out from behind the clouds.  Had awoken to misty fog and grey dingy looking day but oh my when the sun came out it was beautiful!  Did wander about on foot some in Granville Island and the Gastown area.  Loved it but prices did seem high!  oh well, what is not to like in Canada they are so clean and really push cleanliness too. Too much to do in one day but we didn't do too badly.


OZCC said…
We make two purchases at Granville Island - from the Eagle Spirit Gallery. You are correct about prices (but you 'get what you pay for').

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