Clean up on the Nature Trail

Now that we belong to Dreamland Villa we have been making an effort to participate in some of the activities.  We are on the list for volunteers so received the call the other day asking if we would help with the "clean up" of the "Nature Trail".  Others had gone out before and cut the overgrowth so all we had to do was feed this chipper thing.  Oh my goodness, I have never done this before and it was interesting.  Just the right number of folks; otherwise we would have been tripping over each other.  One of the homeowners bordering the trail brought out homemade cookies and bottles of water for us.  What a dusty dirty job.  We heeded our instructions to wear long sleeves and long pants and gloves - those who did not have arms that look like they went through the shredder, oh well.  Glad to be of some help.  


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