Pruning time

Our house has been blessed with 2 grapefruit (yellow) trees, one orange tree and one fig tree!  Great except these poor trees have been terribly neglected. Since we have taken ownership we have watered, fed and pruned and again Earl was out there working on this one grapefruit tree trying out his new tool!  Looks like it works great.  He really butchered this poor tree but it's great because hidden by a lot of the outer leaves were all sorts of dead branches.   Good thing our trash man comes twice a week because oh boy - we have so much to give him each time!  Of course he is doing all this pruning in between working on installing the sprinkler system for our beloved trees!  Guess it's a good thing we still have RV so he can have a rest period.  One thing about it is we both work out side for a while and we both sleep well! ha!


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