Tulips everywhere!!

Took one of the nice days we had and made the long journey up to La Conner for the tulips!  I remember the days of coming over the hill and seeing tulips everywhere - not so any more.  Think those days are gone forever, however there are still a lot of flowers!  Nothing quite like walking these lovely fields of tulips as far as you can see!  Farmers have gone in more for food and so not a lot of farms anymore growing flowers but enough I guess.  I think they mostly all belong to one family but there is at least one other family still farming the gorgeous bulbs!  Had a picture perfect day and loved every minute of it.  They don't last long and we missed them last year when we stopped in Holland, Michigan and they had had a warm spring and tulips and come and gone by the time we arrived in late April!  


Anonymous said…
Hi Guys!!

My name is Daniel and I work for hopper.com, I love your picture of the tulips and we would love to be able to use them on our website. We are currently in the process of launching our new homepage and we need amazing pictures like yours to show on the background of the site. Right now we've selected approximately 30 other pictures from other bloggers/photographers from around the world and we were hoping your work could be highlighted amongst them. We will give you full attribution and a back link from our homepage to your website.

Please get in touch with me at daniel@hopper.com and we can discuss this further.

Best regards,

Daniel Walker

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