Memorial Day Weekend

What to do on a rainy, cool holiday - make your own patriot t-shirt of course. ha!  We joined a large group to try again to make our own t-shirts using tape, contact paper, stencils and spray paint! oh joy - what a mess!  fun though. Tried this a number of years ago (about 11 I think) and the paint we used that time ran - but this time looks like the real deal.  Anyway, we had a good time and enjoyed all the creativity flowing.  What else to do in the rain?  Goodness, the weather report said Sunday would be the "best" day and it rained non stop until about 4 pm.  Oh well, we expect it and would hardly seem like Memorial day weekend if it didn't rain up here!  Of course summer is not officially due for another month anyway so guess we can take it ok.  Since bridge collapse on the I-5 corridor we aren't too excited about getting out and about anyway.  Traffic being diverted and causing terrible back ups - plan to leave on Thursday so hopefully we'll get out during a slow period.


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