Stocking up!

Heading south the rain began and really ruined so many of the blackberries we had planned to pick. ha!  Did manage to get a double batch of jam made as well as a pie and cobbler!  Then we heard the rain was coming back in a torrent so decided to take off a little earlier and cross on over to Oregon.  1st stop is shopping spree time!  All the empty space we started with is now all filled up including the space behind the sofa which is now housing our new 60" TV.  Our sleep number bed that has been with us since the beginning is being retired and a new mattress purchased for RV since weight is not the main issue any longer!  All these pieces of sleep number bed are now tucked away in various places in the coach!  Crazy but fun. What the heck.  Our trek so far has been fun meeting up with a few old friends.  Hanging out in Oregon until this weekend when we cross over in to California.  Original plans were to go to Yosemite but since the fire we changed plans and now heading to Redwoods.


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