Aviation Trail - Dayton, OH

The passport that you can use is free and the only requirements are 1) you visit this particular site - includes Wright's Cycle store and 2) you visit 7 of the 14 sites around the area.  Due to an appointment to get our step fixed we were unable to get to 7 of the sites but the sites we did visit were so much fun!  This National Park site is fairly new (2005) and has excellent exhibits.  The Wright Bros were so much more than just bicycle owners and the 1st to actually fly an airplane... From the time they were children they were always interested in "things" and learning and their parents encouraged their interests.  Quite a story and worth every minute.  Too bad children are not all raised with such encouraging parents!  Dayton has done a wonderful job of now trying to promote this family and their contribution to the world and they are doing a great job.  Not sure what else there is to see in Dayton and don't really care at this time since we are leaving area but loved what we did see and has certainly given food for thought.  By the way, while walking the miles of airplanes I couldn't help but relate how aircraft relates to electronics and computers.  You think computers are out of date when purchased; look at the aircraft.. they no soon develop one plane and they are "improving"it in another model and they babies aren't cheap!  Facinating when you think about it and see so many different planes.


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