Dayton, Ohio - Birthplace of Aviation

Have to comment of Dayton brochure advertising their town - it is probably one of the BEST I have ever seen!  I have seen a lot but this one is so well done explaining what to see, where etc!  Kudos for Dayton.  Seeing as Dayton is the birthplace of aviation they have what is known as the "Aviation Trail" - if you visit 7 of the 14 sites you are entitled to a free avibear.. stuffed bear with aviation jacket and goggles. very cute and best part is all but 4 are Free!  The 4 that are not are also National Historic Sites... Anyway, we began by going to the National Air Force Museum!  This place is huge and has 3 gigantic buildings beginning with the early years onto the rocket age including displays of the Berlin airlift, and Bob Hope's contribution to the troops!  We spent way too much time here and although the "passport" needed to get stamped at the various places does not expire our time was only this 1 day so had to move along... Even if you are not an aviation buff you couldn't help but enjoy this wonderful place.  We even were privilaged to see final flight of T-1!


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